Friday, June 26, 2009

How to make a Teradactyl Origami

Start with a square piece of paper.
First you fold it in half into a triangle.
Then fold it in half into another triangle.
Unfold the triangle.
Pull the bottom right point into the center crease.
Pull the bottom left point into the center crease.
It should look like an upside down kite.
Then fold each of the bottom points up and out, so it looks like a boat.
Pull the inside of it out.
Fold the inside down.
Put both top and bottom triangles to the right.
Fold it in half.
There it is! One teradactyl. I hope you like the teradactyl.

To make the mouth move you flap the wings.


  1. I can't wait to try this - maybe I will make one for baby Thomas :)

  2. I love origami. I would like to make a teradactyl.


  3. I love origami. I would love to make this.


  4. I would love to make this.


  5. Great description. I think anyone who reads this blog will want to read this book and create their own orgami. Terrific job!


  6. Oliver, with your very good instructions, I was able to make my own teradactyl origami. Amazing!

